Hi there!
I’m about to leave Nuremberg in a nearly cloud-free and beautiful sunrise, but also in very, very cold weather conditions. See, what’s weather’s like in Nuremberg (NUE) compared to Miami (MIA) 🙂
Weather Nuremberg 2009-02-18
 ÂWeather Miami 2009-02-18
Even though it’s late at night, 18°C seems to be quite okay. Almost 30°C on Thursday really gets me thrilled…
BTW: commenting on my posts did not work until yesterday. I guess, this was because there was a problem with the MyCaptcha plugin and the new theme. The captcha image just wasn’t displayed. Now it is and you might add comments, but they will be held for moderation.
Hi there!
It’s been a while, since I last was in the United States. Almost exactly 5 years, to be accurate.
In 2004, a friend of mine, Gernot, and I travelled about 4500 miles through the southeast. We started in Dallas, TX, went down to Clearwater, FL, up through the Blue Ridge Mountains and back to Dallas.
I guess, the most remarkable memory concerning that trip is the fact, we sank our rental car deeply in the swamp
of Florida. We had left highway 19, followed a small road, took a turn right onto an even smaller road right into the woods and finally got stuck.
It was funny, even if was no fun at all 🙂
This year, I will arrive at Miami International Airport late at night local time on Wednesday, 2009-02-18. I’ll fetch my rental car and the first task will be to look for a Motel. I don’t have definite plans, except that I’m really looking forward to take some breakfasts at various Wafflehouses
, that I plan to take lots and lots of pictures
and that I wanna make a trip to Key West
What I prepared so far:
- I’ve checked my tickets
- I’ve checked my authorization to travel to the US
- I’ve washed and dried lots of cloths 🙂
- I searched and found my US power plug converter
- I searched and found a huge map of Florida
I will keep you up to date 🙂